Friday, August 10, 2018

Experiment to produce induced EMF and Current

Consider a straight piece of wire of length in magnetic field of a permanent magnet . The wire is connected with a sensitive   galvanometer. so it forms a closed loop without battery.
Induced Current:
When we move the loop from left to right a current flow in the loop . The current stops when the loop stops to move. Now, if we move loop in opposite in direction current also in the reverse direction.

Induced Emf:
If we change the resistance of the loop by inserting different resistor in the loop and move it in uniform magnetic field with same velocity then the product of the induced current and resistance of the loop remain constant.

Relative motion of the loop and the mognet produces Induced emf in the loop, In mf is produced Greater the rate of change of magnetic flux, larger is the alvanometariment we use a bar magnet and a coll to which a sensitive.

 Case- In 1:
 Induction due to Motion of Magnet) galvanometer is connected as shown in galvanometer en there is no relative motion between magnet and coll then shows no current.
Case- II :
When the b ote bar magnet is moved towards the coll,the magnetic flux changes and a current is Induced in the coll.
 Case- III :
When the bar magnet Is moved away from the coil, the magnetic flux changes and a current is Induced in the coil in opposite direction Alternate Method This experiment can also be performed by moving the coil towards or away from the magnet.
Experiment No.3:
induction due to Changing the Area of Coil) In this experiment we can produce the induced current by changing the area of coil in uniform magnetic field, as shown in figure When the coil is being distorted so as to reduce its. area an emf and hence current appears. The induced current disappears when there will be no change in area. When the distorted col comes to its original circular shape thereby increasing the area, the induced current is produced but opposite in direction This current lasts as long as the area is changing.


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