Thursday, August 9, 2018

Different Networks Models

two models of computer networks. These are as follows: There are .
1) Client-Server Model .
2) Peer-to-Peer Model etc.

1. Client-Server Model/Dedicated Server Network:
In client-server model, one or more computers work as servers and other computers easily. work as clients. The server computer controls the whole network. It is used to store data and programs to be shared among different computers in the network. It may also share a  attached with it. Server is more powerful computer than other computers in the network.It perform rms most of the processing in this network model.

Client-server model Some servers are called dedicated servers. A dedicated server is used to perform specific task. For example, file server is used to store and manage files. A print server is u to manage printers and printing tasks. Similarly, network server manages network resource.

Advantage and Disadvantage:

It reduces the volume of data traffic on the network   . It can use less powerful computers as clients because most of the processing is done by the server computer .
Disadvantages It is expensive model because server computers are costly The operations stop all over the network when server goes down.

Types no 2. Peer-to-Peer Model:
All computers in peer-to-peer model have same status. There is no server computer to control other computers. Each computer in this network can have access to devices and files on other computers.
Advantage :
Some important advantages of peer-to-peer model are as follows. .It is easy to setup. .It is easy to maintain. .It does not require expensive server computer. .It is suitable for small office of ten or less computers.


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