For twenty-two years China lay forgotten and was even confused with a small island one of its provinces and the flexile Chines countered by a Western curtain of rigid disregard. Then suddenly that one-fourth of , mankind enclosed in the world's third largest country was brought out of the memory 8nt attic, with a loud bang The Chinese may have introduced the smile policy, but the Occidentals certainly launched the warm hug. The crowd of official visitors to Peking, performing a devoted quasi-pilgrimage, is now more numerous than the battalions of traders who go twice yearly to the traditional Canton Fair. Seventy three year old Chou En-Lai will end up dislocating his right hand if he goes on shaking it at the present rate with delegations running into hundreds of people at a time, his eyes blinded by the constant flashing of the official souvenir photographers .The queue of countries on the waiting list to recognize the People's Republic of China is growing longer with the mounting awareness of the absurdity of the past oblivion or a political guilt complex for having kept China out of the UN for along time.
China is now the fashion:
An Exemplary Social Experiment:
When confronting the enigma of the Chinese planet, too many Westerners have forgotten the Asiatic background and painful colonial history. But when the Cómunists came to power in 1949 the vast majority, of the country Artfeon as it had been doing for the past 2,000 years, in an early iron Age country. And on, countless occasions during our visits to the agricultural communes we were proudly told: "Here we didn't even have the life of the oxen and horses" Compared to China in 1949 Russia 1917 did not have the inheritance o fa century of a shattering multi-colonial experience Russia never suffered China's Fate of such a sharp and pervasive Western impact that it was forced schizophrenia not just in terms of a split economy, but above all in terms of a split together with many other Asiatic civilizations into a kind of national culture and a split personality In China the individual has been rescued from the aftermath of this unfortunate heritage by the newfound companionship, common purpose and discipline of mass-organization. Just as the Vietnamese have withstood American technology so the ascetic militant Chinese have gone straight to the roots of the problems that have plagued Asian countries for thousands of years - the lack of food.
Day in the Life of a 16-year old:
How do the students live and what do they think individually? Despite having to use an interpreter I was able to find out. Here is the result of my interview with Je Wen-Siu, a sixteen-years old girl who lives in the workers' district of Peng Pu at Shanghai. She is a pupil in class 3 at the junior school She will shortly be taking her diploma. "How do you spend your day" "l get up at 6 o'clock in the morning, do a few chores in the house, have breakfast and go to school at 8. I finish at 11 o'clock. I go home and have lunch. At one thirty I'm back at school again until 3 o'clock. Then I go back home and work." "How much time do you spend on homework at home?" "Well actually I do my homework at school. At home I go through the lessons for about an hour. From 4 o'clock on I relax, reading the papers and listening to the radio." "What news are you most interested in?" "All political news which illustrate the national and international situation." "What do you do when you meet with your girl friends" I often go out with girls and boys of my age. We do some sports and often play ping-pong.
China future:
[03:57, 8/10/2018] Adnan Sami: There are two opposite worlds just as the two ways of considering China's future are opposite. One is the rigid world of figures and prospects based on economic thought throughout China, with the little Red Book. As for Western economic laws, the endless mass of 600 million people, who can be convinced. governed and directed facts as seen by the West. The other is the world of faith, of the development of Mac along the paths decided by the powers that be, might well overthrow the whole Reasoning with the dry yardstick of figures, the contribution of a dollar from each Chinese would
make roughly 800 million dollars and the contribution of a day's work from each person would mean two million extra labourers for one year without cost to the State. True, to increase by just one metre per head the availability of cloth for even as few as 700 million Chinese, you would need enough cloth to go round the world eighteen times while the purchase of a million and a half tons of grain is only sufficient to feed the Chinese population for 5 days. The fact remains that when the number is not simply a juxtaposition of persons, but a compact whole, then it tends to become "Power". When Mao says that it is the people, and not things, that are decisive, he is trying in fact to demonstrate that this concept apparently destroyed by modern technology is still a meaningful one.