Saturday, November 3, 2018

Communication Network Components

Communication Media:
Communication media communication is used to transfer data from a computer to an computer computer. Low cost LAN are connex ted with twisted wire pair, many LAN, you can use the tibet optic cables. These cables are expensive but prov ile faster communication. Some 1 ANS kls use wireless transmission media. It is infected with USB infrared or wavs to countest computers off. Wireless networks are easy to setup and maintain Horever, tie has low transmission   and limited distance between two communication devices.



It is also known as IAN adapter Lets smission used to be a computer to a network. It is a circuit board installed on the motherboard a lim Nowadays most computer systems have mother board in a network card bult. Wireless network card is antenna that sends and receives data



Bridge A network bridge can be used in network networks to connect to two LANs and to the network. Separate network segments A segment is a part of a network when a bridge receives a signal, it determines the segment where the signal should be sent. If you are not sure what you want to do, then you will be able to communicate with your computer.

The Router :
A Router is a communication device Connect multiple networks using similar or different protocols. It manages the best route between the two routine users in the Li Routers used when multiple networks are connected. A router can be used on a network of any size. It can connect networks of different countries. They transfer data in less time. The router is an intelligent device. It uses algorithms to find out the best way to transfer
for data to a network.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Video Display Adapters

Video Display Adapters:
                                                              A video display adapter must be attached to the computer to display graphics. It is also called video graphics card It is a circuit board that determines the following things Screen Resolution The number of bits used to store color information about each pixel called bit depth The total number of colors that can be used to display images Speed with which images appear on the display screen.

Types of Video Display Adapters:
Different types of video display adapters are as follows:

VGA stands for Video Graphics Array. It supports 16 to 256 colors depending on ii. Gas This screen resolution It supports 16 colors at 320-200 pixels. It supports 256 colors at 640k840 pixels. It is called 4-bit color.

2. SVGA:
SVGA stands for Super Video Graphics Array. It supports 256 colors at higher resolution then VGA It has two graphics modes. These are 800x600 pixels and 1024x768 pixels. It is called 8-bit color. SVGA is the most common standard used today. It is used primarily with 15-inch monitors.

XGA stands for Extended Graphics Array It supports up to 16.7 million colors at a resolution of 1024 768 pixels. It is called 24-bit color or true color. It is used with 17 and 19 inch monitors.